Using My Voice

Working in Congress

Anoushka spent two summer interning on Capitol Hill for Congressman Jamie Raskin and the Democratic Women’s Caucus.

As a Raskin intern, Anoushka served constituents, wrote memos and policy recommendations, attended hearings on reproductive justice, and led tours of U.S. Capitol.

At the Democratic Women’s Caucus, Anoushka wrote a report on AI deepfake pornography as sexual harassment in K-12 schools, covered hearings on new Title IX regulations and expanded child tax credit, and tracked markups.

Serving D.C. Families

As an intern at Georgetown Law Center’s Health Justice Alliance, a medical-legal partnership, Anoushka served mothers and families in D.C. HJA provides pro bono legal services for medical patients. Anoushka worked with low-income women who had lost public benefits or faced housing insecurity, speaking with clients daily to perform intakes, visiting homes to assess housing conditions, and helping clients apply for public benefits.

Writing Policy for Change

Anoushka served as the Director of Public Health Policy at the Greater Good Initiative, a youth-led policy think tank that was part of the Biden Administration's Youth Coalition. She led a team of teen advocates to research and write a policy recommendation to address Black maternal mortality in Washington, D.C. After a semester of research and meeting with community leaders, the team presented recommendations to ensure equitable reimbursement of doula services through Medicaid to the D.C. City Council’s Committee on Health.

Tackling Voter Suppression through Legislation - VICE News

Anoushka Chander won't be old enough to vote this November. But that hasn't stopped the 17-year-old high school senior from working as a lobbyist for voting ...

Founder, Student Action Committee, Georgetown Day School


“As youth in Washington, DC, GDS students have an overwhelming responsibility to represent our generation and our beliefs by making our voices heard, and by using the power of our position to influence our legislators. The Student Action Committee gives students an opportunity to turn their knowledge into action that will positively impact communities across the country. It seeks to mobilize students and connect them with national activist and advocacy groups that focus on issues that they are passionate about. It is a one-stop shop activism hub for students at GDS.”

STEM Advocacy on Citrus Circuits Robotics Team

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Harvard Future Leaders in Public Service Conference

At Harvard, Anoushka launched a conference for Future Leaders in Public Service (FLIPS) to give passionate high school students the tools to make change. For the past two years, over two hundred high school students from around the country came to Harvard to learn how to implement action plans that address a need in their communities.

FLIPS Conference 2024

Harvard Institute of Politics

On the John F. Kennedy Jr. Forum, Anoushka helps coordinate and host political leaders from around the world to speak at Harvard. She has introduced speakers, including Maya Wiley and Ava DuVernay. She is working on the first Harvard-wide conversation on reproductive rights in the Forum.

Anoushka also worked with IOP Fellows Christine Chen (Director of AAPI Vote) and Sara Gideon (former candidate for Maine Senator) as Chen’s Chief of Staff and Gideon’s Student Groups Liaison.

Speaking at the Forum.

Teen Lobbyist

Leader on March For Our Lives and the Brady Campaign’s Teen Lobbying Collective, the only national, youth-led lobbying group for gun reform.

“We know we can end gun violence in our generation. Now in our fifth semester, our lobbying efforts have already helped pass legislative solutions at the state and federal levels.”


Lobbying for gun violence prevention on Capitol Hill.

Executive Director of The Homegirl Project

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"Homegirl Project is a youth-led organization that empowers the next generation of girls and non-binary youth of color to become political leaders in our communities. We don't just want a seat at the table where decisions are made -- we want to build our own table, one that's big enough for us all.”

The Homegirl Fellowship- Director

The Homegirl Fellowship uplifts the next generation of women of color to become involved in politics, activism, and civic engagement. Our political training program provides mentorship and organizing skills to girls of color in grades 9 - 12 to become political leaders in their communities.

First, we gear up. Later on, we'll run for office. And soon enough, we'll change the world.

Art and Representation in Museums

Intern at the Smithsonian Asian Pacific American Center and Smithsonian Museum of Asian Art Teen Council